05 February 2013

The Book Sill - Dans les forêts de Sibérie

Dans les forêts de Sibérie
Dans les forêts de Sibérie by Sylvain Tesson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is the diary of a thirty-eight-year-old French writer who decides that, for a period of six months, he will stay in a cabin, three meters long by three meters wide, on the shore of lake Baikal. From Winter to Summer, from fear to joy to pain to peace, this short book is a patient and attentive celebration of nature and the instant.

"J'ai été libre, car sans l'autre la liberté ne connaît plus de limite", says Sylvain Tesson at the end of his book. "I have been free, for without the other, freedom knows no more boundary". Very rarely has a book had the power to slow me down and put me in a state of contemplation, "this word that cunning people give to laziness".

This is not a perfect book. But from now on it will travel with me.

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